Our intelligent dictionary #INTELITERM is nearly ready…https://youtu.be/cb8GJyN3Mb8
EXPERT business showcase
The EXPERT business showcase took place in Rome on the 9th of May, at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Open to the scientific and commercial community, this event was held to demonstrate the innovations developed by the Experienced Researchers of the project and disseminate the outcomes of EXPERT to potential end-users: translators and the general public. The invited speakers from the industry gave advice to the researchers on how to bring their work into practice.
The Early Stage Researchers also made their contribution by participating in a Dragon’s Den session: each one made a 5-minutes presentation focused on the practical aspects of the research. Our researchers Hernani Costa and Anna Zaretskaya talked about Assessing Terminology Tools through their Features <https://eden.dei.uc.pt/~hpcosta/docs/papers/presentations/201605-EXPERTRome.pdf> and User Requirements for Translation Technologies, respectively.
New European Project granted
The European Project “SHIFT in Orality. SHaping the Interpreters of the Future and of Today” directed by Dr. Félix San Vicente has been granted. Congratulations to our colleagues, Dr. Estefanía Flores and Dr. Pilar Rodríguez, who are also part of the team!
Europhras 2015 final
The final version of the #EUROPHRAS2015 edited book of full papers is now available! http://www.tradulex.com/varia/
INTELITERM video tutorials
In the following weeks we will launch video tutorials to teach you how to use our intelligent dictionary #INTELITERM http://goo.gl/5cUcQg
The intelligent dictionary we have developed within our National Project INTELITERM will be available soon! http://goo.gl/5cUcQg
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