(2) Contexto:
Estudios realizados en familias han demostrado que la hipodoncia y la oligodoncia, no sindrómicas, pueden heredarse como un rasgo autosómico dominante de penetrancia incompleta y expresividad variable. |
(2) Context:
It also seems that the PCTs have clinical priority ratings: patients who have received treatment for head and neck cancer, who have significant developmental hypodontia and extensive oral pathology or trauma, are often considered high-priority whereas patients with mild hypodontia or trauma as well as the edentulous are often considered lower priority. |
(1) GUPTA, Priya Verma, LC GUPTA y Sujata SARABAHI (2013): Diccionario dental de Jaypee, Panamá: República de Panamá.
(2) MARTÍN-GONZÁLEZ, J. et al. (2012): «Anomalías y displasias dentarias de origen genético-hereditario», Avances en Odontoestomatología, vol. 28, n.o 6, 287-301. |
(2) ANDREWS, K., J. R. PENNY y P. A. KING (2010): «Are patients referred for NHS-funded dental implant treatment being selected in accordance with national guidelines and subsequently funded by their primary care trust?», Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 92, n.o 6, 512-514.
(1) MOSBY’S (2014): Mosby’s Dental Dictionary, St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby. |